The Elemental Path

Clarify your purpose in
service of the whole

Nine-month journey begins March 2025

Learn More

Our world is going through a major transition.

Finding a way through is going to require all hands on deck.

What is your role to play?

The Elemental Path

Find your place and step into power within a transformative, nine-month container.

Right now we are being called to align our work, relationships, and the missions we serve with who we are at our core.

Yet, many people feel disconnected from their power and unclear about their purpose.

Over these nine months, we will gather as a cohort to support connection with your most deeply held gifts through a process of support, challenge, and camaraderie.  

Moving between a powerful set of practices based on the five elements, you will have direct support from experienced leadership coach and guide Spencer Honeyman as well as a network of peers.

The program begins and ends with a transformative 6-day, in-person retreat involving nature solos embedded in the California wilderness.

In between these core retreats, we will gather in small group coaching circles, peer pods, and a 3-day, virtual retreat to deepen and digest your learnings.


❂ Two six-day, in-person retreats in the California wilderness

❂ One three-day, virtual retreat

❂ Monthly small group coaching sessions

❂ Monthly self-organized pod meetings

❂ On-demand resource library

❂ WhatsApp group for discussion and connection

a black and white spiral

What People Are Saying

"With a unique knowledge of wisdom practices and the outdoors, and a gift for creating a special container that helped me get to greater internal clarity, Spencer's facilitation is highly recommended for anyone seeking to connect deeper to their purpose and how this purpose might be expressed."


"This training has brought me richness and depth, connecting the practical and spiritual, allowing me to be more present and aware, do better work, and be more authentic. What a gift, thank you Spencer Honeyman, for this opportunity, for leading by example, and for curating this exceptional leadership program."


"Spencer is a coach and a guide by not only his words but also his example and his presence. I have learned so much from him just by his example in the way that he managed our sessions calmly and authentically."


"Spencer was not just a facilitator but a fantastic teacher and leader. His deep knowledge and sensitivity were evident throughout the program."


"Dear Spencer! Wow. I'm so grateful for what you are offering to the world. Thank you for creating such a beautiful wise integrated program. Your personal care and investment in each and every person was remarkable. It is truly special and unique."


"Spencer's guidance through the exploration of what it means to be a leader in today's times is truly a gift. Rarely are we given the time, space and safety to explore the challenges and nuances of leadership in a way that has a lasting impact on both our personal and professional life, but over the course of the program, we did just that.""


"He showed up like an elder brother. High on listening... He is able to help one reflect on the seemingly subjective with objective precision. .""


Clarify Purpose

Step into Power

Serve the Whole

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
- Mary Oliver

Course Dates:

March 2025 - October 2025

Course Journey:

6-Day, In-Person Retreat - March 9 - 15 (Joshua Tree National Park, California)

Small Group Coaching Session
Pod Meeting

Small Group Coaching Session
Pod Meeting

Small Group Coaching Session
Pod Meeting

3-day, Virtual Retreat - July 11-13 (Online)

Small Group Coaching Session
Pod Meeting

Small Group Coaching Session
Pod Meeting

Small Group Coaching Session
Pod Meeting

6-day, In-Person Retreat - Nov 9 - 15 (TBD, California)

The Elemental Practices:

We follow a set of practices based on the five elements that create a powerful alchemy of  safety, transformation, and empowerment. We cycle between these domains depending on where we are in the cycle of each retreat and our work together.

+  Earth // Nature Connection & Embodiment

Earth is about connection to our bodies and connection to the land. We will conduct two short Vision Quests (nature solos) and be embedded outdoors during the in-person retreats. We also work with the body through movement and partner exercises.

+  Water // Relational Practice

Water is about relational practices with one another. We engage collectively with interpersonal and communication practices to deepen our experience of coherence, presence, and safety in groups.

+  Space // Meditation

Space is about developing access to a quality of ease outside of the thinking mind. We work with foundational meditation training to access a quality of stability, presence, and spaciousness.

+  Air // Song & Play

Air is about expression and song. Especially during in-person retreats, we practice in the dimension of play through circlesinging and improv as a support for integrating our process.

+  Fire // Philosophy & Poetry

Fire is about distillation and inspiration through philosophy and poetry. We weave in poetry and useful philosophical models for human development to guide us on our way.


Guided retreats and vision quests

Community of Peers

Relevant Resource Library

Intimate Coaching

Clarification on your path

Group of people


$3,600 - 7,200

Sliding Scale

(One single payment or split payments)

Spencer Honeyman


Spencer is an experienced coach, guide, and facilitator who works with founders and impact organizations all over the world. He is the founder of the Climate Wisdom Fellowship, a graduate of Pomona College's Environmental Analysis program, and a Certified Integral Facilitator.

Full Bio

Spencer has over a decade of study in transformational process work with master teachers Thomas Hubl & Diane Hamilton. He works with impact founders all over the world to heal and evolve through a process of somatic coaching, process facilitation, and meditation training.

Spencer has trained for 15 years in Hatha yoga (Shadow Yoga), Buddhist meditation (Tibetan Mahamudra/Zen), the improv musical form the Art of Circlesinging, and adult developmental theory.

Outside of work, Spencer can be found making music with friends, building something with his hands, or hiking the California wildlands with his family.


+  What will I get from this program?

You will be in a unique, transformative support structure that will include elements of personal healing as well as gaining clarity and confidence around how you earn a living and interact with the world around you.

You will also get out what you put in! This is an opportunity to up-level your life for the next chapter.

+  What kind of people participate in these trainings?

The program attracts people who are the threshold of a next chapter of their lives. Some people will be actively running businesses and endeavors they have been building for quite some time, but a new season is upon them and something else is demanded of them in their leadership and life.

Other people will be in a process of moving away from a certain kind of work or life and seeking to discover and align more deeply with something more meaningful in which to invest their energy.

People will come from all over in terms of location, race, and professional background. Part of the strength is in being in a space of honesty together and the diversity of backgrounds creates richness in helping you discover what is unique and powerful about you personally.

+  What happens if I miss a session?

The retreats of the program (two in-person, one virtual) are all required to attend. Please reach out to Spencer if you have an conflict with particular dates to discuss. The small group coaching with Spencer happens monthly and you can miss up to two of these calls if need arises. The self-organized pod groups meet monthly and attendance is not tracked for these.

+  What is the application process?

The application is a simple online form to fill out with some information about your interest to get a sense of where you are coming from. This helps the staff attune to the constellation of people and interests in the group.

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis until the course is full and if there are any questions we'll reach out. You should hear back from us within 2-4 weeks after submitting for next steps.

+ Are there any 1:1 coaching opportunities as well?

Yes, there is an option to engage in 1:1 coaching with Spencer over the duration of the program. Please reach out to him at for scheduling.

+  Are scholarships available? How do I apply?

While we don't have scholarships, there is a sliding scale offered for the program. Please select based on the orienting descriptions provided. We aim to accommodate individual needs for the program.

+  Where will the in-person retreats components take place?

The in-person components will be nature-based, camping retreats that happen in the wilderness in California within 3 hrs of a major airport. Participants will be responsible for their own food during these two in-person, components.